GFC Memberships
December 27 2002

MEMBERSHIPS for those who renewed early should have reached most homes by now. For those who have not yet renewed, or would like to join up for the first time, visit the Cats Shop website. The club needs to build on last season's relatively disappointing membership of just over 24,000 to continue to climb uphill in the financial battle.

With Geelong basic memberships the cheapest in the league, and the Barracker's Block seats at only $60 for eight games, there is not much of an excuse any more not to buy a membership and get behind the club. (Cost of Adult Membership + Barracker's Block seating $3.75/week).


2003 GFC Memberships:

Adult 11 $135
Concession 11 $85
Junior $20
Cheapest Seats $60